So its been awhile!
A few days after i wrote my last post i was admitted to a medical ward with dangerously low potassium and magnesium levels. I was getting chest pain,palpations,dizziness and pins and needles. After two potassium drips,several ECGs and a heart monitor i was stable enough to be moved to the psych ward. My weight loss continued at a fast pace and soon enough i was on an NG tube.
My admission lasted only 5 weeks with my team saying they had done all they can for me as an inpatient and the power to change is in my hands.
I will see them twice a week and i am sticking to a reasonable meal plan.
Something is different this time though. I dont want to just get by or keep my weight at this level,i want to get to a healthy weight and be healthy in mind and body for once.
Im determined to slowly get there.
I want to put anorexia behind me.
So ive got a month to see how i do and if i cant stick to the meal plan or if i am losing weight im going to do a full inpatient eating disorder programme and committ however long it takes and whatever it takes for me to be completely healthy again.
For the moment im trying to do it on the outside and have got a fab holiday with the girls coming up next weekend. Im going to try and go away and leave anorexia at home if at all possible.
So thats the plan!
Sorry ive havent got to write in ages,hopefully i will keep it up now im back.
Lots of love from Aoifs xxx